Our Mission
With joint efforts we serve all people in Africa with hearing, swallowing and communication disorders.
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With joint efforts we serve all people in Africa with hearing, swallowing and communication disorders.
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Profile of the Day
Afizai Elisa Vuliva
Afizai Elisa Vuliva is a Speech Therapist at Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre (KCMC). He graduated his Masters Degree in Speech-Language and Communication Therapy from the Leibniz University Hannover (LUH), in Germany. Afizai’s experience prior to becoming a Speech Therapist at KCMC include, teaching undergraduate courses in areas of Speech and Language disorders at Sebastian Kolowa Memorial University (SEKOMU), and training village women and staff at Irente Children’s Home on how to facilitate communication development in infants and toddlers at Risks under the projects supervised by Prof. Dr. Ulrike Lüdtke of the Leibniz University Hannover, Germany. Afizai has also trained teachers, district educational officers, wards and religious leaders in Tanga region on how to identify and assist children with speech and language difficulties through the project organized by the Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Mission (FELM) & ELCT-North Eastern Diocese. Afizai’s academic awards include the DAAD-Prize, for an Outstanding Achievement of a Foreign Student in Higher Education in the Federal Republic of Germany, November, 2014.